Rescued from the Streets, the Girls Need a Place of Prayer in God's Presence: Building a Chapel
WHERE: At the Our Lady of Assumption Dorothea Rescue Center for Girls in Madaraka, Kenya operated by the Assumption Sisters of Eldoret Kenya -
Inside view of Kwetu Home of Peace Chapel-Model for Dorothea Center Chapel
WHY: The newly constructed home for street girls is an integral extension of Kwetu Home of Peace for Boys. The chapel recently constructed there after two decades of operation, has provided a blessing on many levels. To have a Chapel from the beginning of operation at the Girls Center is a goal we step out in faith to achieve with your help!
WHEN: Construction will begin immediately and proceed in stages as funds come in.
HOW? Designate your donation as CHAPEL FUND. Tax deductible donations can be sent to
· Nyaatha Ray of Hope a 501 (C)(3) at P.O. Box 107 Holt, MI 48842
· Online donations on our website: (we are charged a small fee)
God Bless YOU!
Goal is $18,000. As of 5/7 we have raised $7,550.00
Outside courtyard view of Kwetu Home of Peace Chapel- Model for Dorothea Center Chapel