
Lending a Hand


The Nyaatha Educational Endowment Fund-NEEF- began in 2015 as a partnership between the Assumption Sisters of Eldoret and concerned and capable lay leaders in their community.  Critical to this partnership is the shared faith in the dignity of the human person as created in the image and likeness of God.  NEEF is run by Kenyans for Kenyans, to offer solutions to desperate children whose dignity demands a response from those in positions of both partnership and mercy.

Nyaatha Ray of Hope-NROH- began in 2017 as a response to the call of Sr. Angela and the ASE to provide a U.S. base of support for Kenyan children’s educational costs.  Sr. Angela, having received education in Social Work in the U.S., desired to give back for all that had been given to her. Many good hearted people in the U.S. who are grateful for their blessings understand that the U.S. dollar goes a long way in Kenya and are willing to participate in the ASE-NEEF-NROH partnership.  NROH, a volunteer-run non-profit, is committed to being good stewards of the donations entrusted to us. All donations directly support the mission.  Donors can be confident that their sacrificial gifts are sent to Kenya to help pay school fees for Morning Star and Kwetu children, assist in the support and  rehabilitation process at Morning Star Home, support the development of the the Kerio Valley Farm, and be otherwise available for urgent needs of the mission.

A 2018 study in Kenya found that nearly half the households in Kenya have an income of $10,000 shillings a month. At current rates in 2019 this is the equivalent of $96.00 a month for a household to live on.  A Secondary School education can cost from $600-$1200/yr. due to various factors- room and board for example.  The Kenyan government currently contributes a little over $200/yr. per secondary student as a tuition stipend. When a household does not have the resources to make up the difference they must find them elsewhere or forfeit the basic education of their children.  Extended families in Kenya value helping out family members whenever possible and share in the disappointment when they are unable to assist.

NROH adheres to the Catholic teaching on the dignity of the human person at all stages of development. As a Church whose name means “universal” we see these Kenyan children as our brothers and sisters.  Will you join us as members of the “extended family” of these children who need an education?

In 2018 Nyaatha Ray of Hope received 501 (C)(3) status.                                         

All donations are tax-deductible.

A celebration of the new foundation and partnership was held in Kenya in 2018.

A celebration of the new foundation and partnership was held in Kenya in 2018.