40 Bags of Maize and the Morning Star Building Project Update

When I woke up this morning in Holt, Michigan, the temperature was -5 F, with a “real feel” wind chill of -20 F. When checking my messages on WhatsApp, I saw the picture down below, from Sr. Hellen at Morning Star Home for Boys. Her comment was, “Today was a blessing for us. One of our friends donated 40 bags of maize!” Seeing this picture and reading her message I was transported into the warmth of Kenya, and thanked God for His provision for Morning Star. He has His own time and His own ways of letting us know that this is His work. We are given the chance to participate in it, such that those bags of maize can give us all encouragement as a sign of His care.

These 40 bags of maize can create a ripple effect. When such a donation is made, sometimes funds are freed up to be used elsewhere at the Centre. Maybe now they can buy some bags of cement for the walls, or materials for windows or doors. The more work that is done, the more encouraged we all are. Another aspect, is that friends of Morning Star will want to see this building finished and filled to capacity with boys who need such a place to grow in virtue and experience the joy of learning. The more progress that is made, the more people want be a part of it, and see the completion. And when it comes to the boys, they are overjoyed to see such a delivery of maize. When maize is available, they are content, grateful that they no longer have to beg on the streets for food.

We too want to see this building finished, and many generous donors here in the U.S. have given what they can in order to help these children in distant Africa. In God’s beautiful plan, we are in this together, and seeing real results because of a joint effort between Kenyans and Americans in the Body of Christ.

The Morning Star building is ready to roof. Workers are arranging the timber and will begin creating the structural beams to hold the sheet metal roof.

Approximately $10,000 USD is needed for the “finishing” of this building. This includes walling, floors, doors and windows. Tax deductible donations can be made right here on the website, or mail to Nyaatha Ray of Hope P.O. Box 107 Holt, MI 48842.

40 Bags of Maize? 40 is a biblical number of completion. May the Morning Star Building Project come to completion!

Sr. Hellen stands at the back of the truck where 40 bags of maize are being unloaded. They are a gift from a friend of Morning Star. Maize is a staple food, eaten every day. Most often, ground maize is cooked into ugali, a stiff porridge which is eaten by hand along with cooked greens.

Madeleine Veneklase