Progress at Morning Star Rescue Centre -The Shower House

The construction has begun at Morning Star Home, beginning with the Shower/Bathroom addition to the boys’ dormitory. The building started in August, and is nearly complete. There were some usual delays, such as permits and rainy weather. Once the project began, it has been moving steadily along.

Even the neighbors are excited to see the progress, and this has generated interest and donations. Bags of cement are very much appreciated, and just as important as a few shillings. We are hoping that the excitement will catch on, and more people of good will will provide the necessary resources to see the entire project at Morning Star completed. As the shower addition is winds up, the new building is next. We at Nyaatha Ray of Hope have only raised 25% of the goal, but with God’s help and yours, the building will be completed. Please refer to the previous post and the Summer 2024 Newsletter for more information on the building.

The Shower/Bathroom building is nearly finished as of September 12, 2024

The Assumption Sisters are hoping to see this come to fruition. Building all three stories is the goal. If funds are not sufficient, there may only be two. Why three stories? The foundation can accommodate them, and in turn, the building will hold more rescued children!

What is the new three story building for? In short, classrooms, counseling rooms and additional dormitory space to expand the capacity of rescue. Currently the license is for only 30 boys. With additional dormitory space, we can help double that, taking more boys off the street, rehabilitating them, assisting their families with counseling to address root issues, and sending the boys to school. Do you consider this a worthwhile project? If so, your donation is a blessing to Morning Star Home!

From Sr. Hellen, Director of Morning Star: “Today (September 12, 2024) we received 32 tons of murram from our friends, and 18 tons of sand.” Let the building progress!

Madeleine Veneklase